Friday, March 3, 2017

Introducing the First Unit-Based Teams

Michelle Drew and Mary Misiaszek
from Tri-River Family Health in Uxbridge
SHARE is moving toward a new kind of teamwork. The Unit-Based Team (“UBT”) is the best model SHARE has found for raising the level of hospital employees’ satisfaction at work. With UBT’s, every person in a work area, or Unit, has a safe way to directly shape how the work gets done. This transition to teams means SHARE members and managers will learn to work together differently.

Co-Leads from Tri-River and Primary Care talk
about their hopes and fears about UBT's 
with SHARE UBT Coach Marie Manna

On February 16th, the first joint SHARE-UMass Memorial UBT Training session brought together Co-Leads and Co-Sponsors from five of the first Unit-Based Teams. The room was packed with SHARE members and their management counterparts. They spent the morning learning skills for cultivating their teams. Based on the training, they talked about what opportunities they might want to explore, and what pitfalls they could foresee to avoid.

As SHARE Organizer Janet Wilder put it, over the coming years, these first UBT departments will be doing “a little bit of guinea pigging, and a whole lot of pioneering.” We wish them luck, and look forward to using what they learn as the UBT's expand to other areas of the hospital system.

The first wave of teams includes:

  • Heart and Vascular Intervention Lab
  • Prescription Centers (from both the Memorial and University campuses)
  • Primary Care
  • Tri-River Family Health Center
  • Vascular Lab

 Prescription Center Co-Leads 
Jackie Breeds and Kristine Stapelfeld 
with Co-Sponsor Maddy Popkin in the middle

From the Cath Lab: Co-sponsor Kati Korenda, with
Co-Leads Mary Hodgerney, and Kathy Girouard

University Campus Prescription Center Co-Leads Laurie Aubuchon,
Cathy Gaulin, and Lorna Schulze

Prescription Center Co-Sponsors Deb Largesse and Roland Bercume